
First Look

It's taken some time and serious effort, but the wooden surfing board is finally complete. It was definitely a learning experience for me, but I can full-heartedly say I'm looking forward to shaping the next one soon. That, and test this thing out.


New 5'8

Making the walk back from trails one evening last week with my new 5'8 single fin. Best impulse buy? I think so.



My latest endeavor

This is what my Dad and I are up to. A chambered, 7 foot, channel bottomed alaia. It's only in the beginning stages, but as this unfolds and starts to come of shape it should prove pretty interesting, to say the least. Here's some images from cutting the template.


The Log: Take 2

Here's the board that got me into logging, seen in full-frame.


Accidents happen

Over exposed and burnt film. It's what happens when you play with a Diana.