
Wave Love

A little fun my girlfriend and I had tonight with some glow sticks.


Piling up

Woke up today feeling creative, but lacking the motivation and the direction this morning to carry through with half of my ideas. So goes being the creative type. Ideas seem to perpetually pile up until you can’t take the length of your “ideas” lists anymore and finally start getting it together. That’s where I am today. I’ve got a laundry list of things to shoot, of things to be added/changed about this website, I’ve been writing a lot of new music so I’d like to record some of that soon. It’s slightly overwhelming sometimes. I need to focus and just get things done. But with summer right outside my window, it’s tough on days like these.


Glass offs and shorebreak

Got to spend the afternoon the other day down at Sano surfing and trying out the almost-done paipo. Waves weren't spectacular,  but had some fun, semi-glassy shorebreaks. Thanks to my girlfriend for being on-hand shooting photos.



We watch, and we imitate.


Surfer cave art

Joshua Tree fuels my creativity, and a cave with charcoal means full-sized surfers hitting the lip are gonna happen.


Board Bag Progress

The canvas that will soon protect my arm from the evils of melted sand and wax while looking for surf.


First light

I can honestly say that for the few brief moments that “first light” lasts, I cherish it all. It’s a daily reminder to how lucky we are to experience the wonders of the ocean and nature.


The darker the secret

The harder the desert will keep it. Joshua Tree stormfront, moving in.


Dirty car

Just means I've been busy.


Making art with________.

Anything you can. These are my girlfriend's fingers after a few hours of charcoal art in a cave in Joshua Tree using the nearby ashes of a fire.



They all looked perplexed to me.