
Local Attractions

Living in Boulder, Colorado gives me the oppurtunity to leave the house, bike or drive in any direction and find something interesting to photograph within 5 minutes, guaranteed. Here's an example of this from this morning. I drove south a few minutes to finally shoot this aboandoned barn that I had seen before. The morning light today was really nice, so I decided that today was the day. It's relaxing in a sense to know that at any time I can get away from whatever I'm working on and go out and shoot photos and come back with something new each time.
Things just tend to get left to decay in Colorado. You see similar buildings like this everywhere.
My parkjob.
Big sky
It's literally right off of the road, passed by thousands a day.


Shock to the system

So it finally happened; I woke up and and the ground had frozen over night. The local Colorado inhabitants probably couldn't care less, but me being the California raised surfer kid that I am walked out in astonishment. About as soon as I couldn't tolerate standing in the cold anymore I ran inside to grab the camera. These are my findings on the first frost of the season as seen by new eyes.
Everything has been lightly coated in ice.
Yup. That's my breath clouding in front of my face.
The grass is frozen solid. I never imagined leaving footprints like this in grass.


Mountain Biking

Since being away from the coast, I've had to find something to help ease my pains of missing the ocean and being immersed physically and mentally in nature. That thing has happend to be mountain biking. Jefri and I are biking more and more almost daily, and loving every bit of it. Here's the few photos we have of each other on bikes from a recent trip two hours south of Boulder to an open space called Red Rocks which had phenomenal riding.
