

I painted the surfboard piece sometime last year, and it's just now made its way to my wall.


Waterproof housing tested and approved!

Walking in.
Brian Bent.
Looking back.
Looking north to the point.



The Lumberjack got salty this morning. More photos to come later today of the surfing that ensued...




There are some of my possessions that have proved their value time and time again on the road. My tent, suitcase, and Little Martin guitar are some of those items.


Desert Exposure


Early morning in the Anza Borrego.

The nearest store to the campground, which was the nearest store for untold miles.

Decent into Moonlight Canyon.


Airstrips and shade rocks.

I'm happy to say that after a three hour car ride spent straddling a guitar and holding bongos, I'm officially safe and sound, back at home from a weekend camping in the Anza Borrego desert. The suitcase is unpacked, and my camp gear stashed for the next trip. For now I'm going to catch up on some rest and let my skin take a break from the relentless desert sun.


The road calls

Well packing is about done. Only a few minor items left to throw in the car, then I will be ready to get out of here for the next few days. I've never camped in the Anza Borrego desert, so I'm pretty excited to be somewhere new. The weather is lining up to be perfect, and this is the time of year when the desert is in full bloom, so as of now things are looking to go well. The almost three hours it will take to get there will be just enough time to settle into the car and enjoy some good music and the desert scenery passing by. Tonight I'll be staring at stars.


Weekend camp trip on the horizon

Super stoked for tomorrow to hit. I'll be out in the desert from Friday through Sunday. Looking forward to the good times that shall ensue. If you want to find me...


Sticker idea.

I made this a few months ago and essentially forgot about it. I would love to get this made into a bumper sticker or something.


Late Nights

View from my floor looking up, last night at 12:30 am. Another night ran into the wee hours of the morning while recording.


Great songwriting advice

I was having a hard time writing a piece of the song last night, and while thinking of ways to break through a wall of blandness, this randomly popped into my mind. I like it. It may become my new musical motto.
{fuck songs into submission.}


Working Away

Myself at my work station yesterday, thumping along.



My room.
The land before time.



Society has turned us into mice running in place.


Live at the Lounge

Live music still prevails.


It's arrived

I'm pretty stoked that this arrived today. I've been using my Nikonos for water photography for a few years now, but I'm looking forward to having something smaller and lighter to bring out in the water while surfing/paipo riding. I'm crossing my fingers for some barrel shots coming soon. We'll see how the waves play out this week. I'm guessing that this water housing will prove to be very valuable.

All things must end.

The difficult part is trying to figure out how to let things end.


New toy for the bag

Yes! The time has come to add another tool to my bag of camera tricks. This is something I've been wanting for a few years now, and I'm pretty excited to have it arrive (tomorrow supposedly) and to get it in the water. It's summer and it's time for some fun.


One More

I'm still thinking about these waves from the other morning. Some days just stick with you. It was good having the Lumberjack in the water and my dad on the shore shooting.
{click to enlarge}


Tuesday Dawn Patrol

My dad caught a few photos of me from this dawn's session at San O. The conditions were superb. 
{click images to enlarge}
The paddle out.
 My mornings opening wave. 


Over time

This Little Martin has traveled with me for over five years now. She's crossed the border, been to sea, spent time in the open desert, and has helped to record her fair share of songs late at night. I got it brand new, and she's starting to show the signs of a well-loved guitar. 
wear and tear.