
Early fall beach days

About two weeks ago, my lovely Lumberjack took flight off the roof of my roommate's car after a six hour session at Blackies. I was devastated to say the least. Now it is time to get another long board, and I had no second thoughts about going straight to Almond to grab an order form and start thinking/doodling what my next log will be. 



NEW Portfolio

I've spent some time going through hundreds of photos, and have narrowed it down to a collection of images I feel represent what I see in things and reflect my talents. Hit expand and enjoy flipping through my portfolio.


Happy Dog

I long for it

It's been a year since I left California for Colorado for what became one of the most important and eye opening periods of my life thus far. After living in Boulder, Colorado for five months and experiencing the magic of seasons and the blissful perfection of living at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, all I can do is miss it and dream of it nightly. It's becoming increasingly difficult living in an area that I don't feel inspired in.  I have much still to explore locally and I'm in good company, so all is far from lost. Although everything is temporary, I feel like I'm stuck in a state of dreaming of somewhere else, and that's never healthy.

A typical late Colorado afternoon.


Jeep Camping

A friday night trek out to the high desert to camp in the car and watch for shooting stars.