

Had car problems the other morning.


Hiding in the hills.

Most of the camping I've ever done has been at least a few hours away from home. I've never aimed my eyes close by when looking for a destination, but when the time came to have a quick, leave after work on friday, one night camp trip, I began searching close by our home in Corona and settled on going to Blue Jay Campground located in the Cleveland National Forest a few miles off of Ortega Highway on the  North Main Divide Road. I had heard of and read about Blue Jay before, but had talked to no one who had actually been there before (my dad took me once when I was 8 or so, but I don't recall the event). Despite the uncertainties going into the trip, Blue Jay ended up being a great choice. We found the quiet and relaxation I love about camping in remote areas close by home, which only makes me want to explore the Ortega Corridor further.

Prepping the camp gear a few hours before leaving Friday afternoon. 
After finding a site and setting up camp, we were treated to an exceptional sunset.
Our home for the previous night shortly after sunrise.
Because of its location on the edge of a valley, our site had a view and no neighbors: exactly what we like.
Somewhere on the San Juan Trail heading south out of the campground on our morning hike.
Trail head for Falcon Trail, which runs north out of the campground.
A view along Falcon Trail of the sprawling valleys and mountainsides.
The morning was ideal for strolling through the surrounding meadows dotted with Oak and Pine trees.
It's the little details that matter.
The three of us, along with a jug of water in hand.
A friendly reminder.