
Deer Creek Open Space

Took a few hours a week ago to climb up Plymouth Mountain to take some photographs and get into some quiet air. After putting in six miles I was fairly spent, but I managed thoroughly enjoy myself.

Under Plymouth Mountain's summit heading down from the peak.
Abundant greens and moisture in the forest on this particular morning.
From the top of Plymouth Mountain looking down to Chatfield Lake to the east. 


Spring Coloring.

Took a few hours to hike through the Highlands Ranch Backcountry area to snag a few photographs. Beautiful skies fueled the way.


Traded one for the other.

The mind has a funny way of making connections to familiar things while you're in a new place. The top photo is near where I am living now, and the bottom image is back in California in a place I loved going to.

Lookout Mountain, Golden, Colorado.

Near White Tank Campground, Joshua Tree National Park, California.



Chautauqua Park, located on the western edge of Boulder, Colorado boasts what many consider the best views of the Flatirons. Here's two looks at the First Flatiron in two stages of its yearly progression from snow white to summer green, through fall reds and back to snow white. As of now, Chautauqua is a green meadow blossoming with wildflowers. Image soon to come.

Shot on February 11, 2012.
Shot on March 15, 2012.


Weather Front

From this afternoon.

Big Skies and Buffalos

It's very easy to be alone here, even if I'm only a few miles from home. Heading south out of town I hit a dirt road and after that it's big skies, barns, and buffalos.



Northern New Mexico looking west.
I-25 somewhere in New Mexico.

My GoPro mounted on the hood of the Jeep for the duration of the 20+ hour drive from Southern California to Centennial, Colorado.


Colorado Relocation: Number Two

Again, I find myself living in Colorado. After spending the pervious year in Southern California after returning from my brief stint living in Boulder, Colorado, I had to return. Sometimes the path of least resistance is to accept burnt bridges and leave for something new.