
Bring in the old

I am so stoked with this camera. It’s an old Zeiss Contaflex made in Germany somewhere between 1956 and 1960. There’s not a single piece of plastic on this thing. A friend gave it to me. He said it was either I take it or he was going to throw it away. He wasn’t even sure if it worked. Needless to say, it works damn good. I expected dirty images with out of whack exposures (I assumed the meter was off). But no. Spot on exposures and incredibly sharp photos. So stoked on this camera. It blows my modern-day Nikon out of the water. I’m developing a roll from two surf sessions over the weekend. Should be interesting. So stoked on this. 

ps: Next week (after I get paid) I’m purchasing all the chemicals I need to start developing my own rolls.

pss: Fuck AT&T. Still no internet at home