

I always knew the day would come at some point, I guess I was just never truly prepared for how it would feel. Tomorrow I am closing a chapter in my life and leaving home for the first time. My girlfriend and I are going to head out early, drive across a few states, and end up in Boulder, Colorado which will be home for a couple of months. It's a little nerve-racking to be heading away from the coast and home for an extended period of time, but it's exciting and something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I'm hoping that all of the green and lush environment will leave me breathless and endlessly snapping photos and writing music. As I sit here in my room for what will be the last night for sometime to come, it's difficult to not think back to all of the memories I have here; both fond and not so fond. I will miss home and my family, but I'm looking forward to all of the possibilites that the open road has in store. Tomorrow will be a day I doubt I'll forget.
My home