
Update on life

So I’ve been MIA lately. Here’s the latest scoop:
This past week I spent camping and surfing my brains out with two of my best friends down at Trails. Photos coming soon from that. I need to develop the film and scan it first. The trip was epic. We video taped damn near everything. I’ve got nearly 4 hours of video from the trip. Everything from the random BS in the campsite, hiking into canyons, cruising around on skateboards, even shower time was caught on tape (no homo). I’m going to get to editing that all this week (for real this time guys haha). Hopefully have some short little clips soon from that. But now it’s back to my regular work week schedule. On the plus side I’ve been playing a grip of shows lately, and it’s looking like I’ve got a drummer lined up for a show saturday night. It’ll be cool to play with a drummer for once. So for now it’s back to the grind for me. But there should be some good photos on the way. Until then, here’s a shot of my Almond Lumberjack in action.