

Had car problems the other morning.


Hiding in the hills.

Most of the camping I've ever done has been at least a few hours away from home. I've never aimed my eyes close by when looking for a destination, but when the time came to have a quick, leave after work on friday, one night camp trip, I began searching close by our home in Corona and settled on going to Blue Jay Campground located in the Cleveland National Forest a few miles off of Ortega Highway on the  North Main Divide Road. I had heard of and read about Blue Jay before, but had talked to no one who had actually been there before (my dad took me once when I was 8 or so, but I don't recall the event). Despite the uncertainties going into the trip, Blue Jay ended up being a great choice. We found the quiet and relaxation I love about camping in remote areas close by home, which only makes me want to explore the Ortega Corridor further.

Prepping the camp gear a few hours before leaving Friday afternoon. 
After finding a site and setting up camp, we were treated to an exceptional sunset.
Our home for the previous night shortly after sunrise.
Because of its location on the edge of a valley, our site had a view and no neighbors: exactly what we like.
Somewhere on the San Juan Trail heading south out of the campground on our morning hike.
Trail head for Falcon Trail, which runs north out of the campground.
A view along Falcon Trail of the sprawling valleys and mountainsides.
The morning was ideal for strolling through the surrounding meadows dotted with Oak and Pine trees.
It's the little details that matter.
The three of us, along with a jug of water in hand.
A friendly reminder.


Early fall beach days

About two weeks ago, my lovely Lumberjack took flight off the roof of my roommate's car after a six hour session at Blackies. I was devastated to say the least. Now it is time to get another long board, and I had no second thoughts about going straight to Almond to grab an order form and start thinking/doodling what my next log will be. 



NEW Portfolio

I've spent some time going through hundreds of photos, and have narrowed it down to a collection of images I feel represent what I see in things and reflect my talents. Hit expand and enjoy flipping through my portfolio.


Happy Dog

I long for it

It's been a year since I left California for Colorado for what became one of the most important and eye opening periods of my life thus far. After living in Boulder, Colorado for five months and experiencing the magic of seasons and the blissful perfection of living at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, all I can do is miss it and dream of it nightly. It's becoming increasingly difficult living in an area that I don't feel inspired in.  I have much still to explore locally and I'm in good company, so all is far from lost. Although everything is temporary, I feel like I'm stuck in a state of dreaming of somewhere else, and that's never healthy.

A typical late Colorado afternoon.


Jeep Camping

A friday night trek out to the high desert to camp in the car and watch for shooting stars.


Useful Art

Alone and together, my girlfriend and I love to collect shells, driftwood, or any oddity that washes up on the beach and catches our eye. In the past, our backpacks and towels became bags to tote around our findings and while this worked fine, any belongings that happened to occupy the bags prior to the shells showing up would become entrenched in sand and moisture. To save our belongings (and have more room for collections) we thought that having a dedicated shore finding bag was in order. After we each had our hand at painting one side of the same canvas bag, this is what we had as our new beach findings bag.

                                   Her side                                  //                              My side


Window in the sky.

Chinatown, July 2011


The family that feeds together.

My girlfriend and I have been apartment sitting for a close family friend for close to a week now. When we began, we were told to watch for raccoons at night; they will come by looking for cat food left out for the alley cats. Well, here they are. I was cooking some eggs a few nights ago when I heard her call me to come quickly to the front door. Upon arriving at the door and looking out into night, I was presented with the sight of this family of three Raccoons devouring the cat food left by the front door. I was amazed. It was hard for us to not want to sit there and watch them go about their life. We're hoping to see them again soon.



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Apparently if you put a plain old potato in a jar of water, it will reanimate and spawn branches. Sick.


Lush alcoves.

Nothing compares to the peace felt when sitting and purely enjoying the life in a garden.



Into the fog. San Onofre, June 2011.


GoPro: Test Reel

Here's a brief glimpse at just some of what I have been capturing with my new GoPro after its first week of being home.


Water drops.

My dad swam out and snapped a few shots of myself and the general scene at San O on this day.

{click on the images to expand}

An oily sea.
I paddle out.
GoPro mounted on the tail of my Almond Lumberjack. All it took was a fin plug, some some resin and fiberglass, and bam; a very solid GoPro.





One person's trash is another's canvas.

After spending a few days helping a good friend on a cross town move into her new apartment in L.A, Jefri was able to swipe this light and bring it home to turn into functional art. The light was originally one of a pair but after the other light took a fall and broke it was no longer as appealing as a single light, so Jefri decided some color was in order. I couldn't have agreed more.


A few more from The Red Room

It was an absolute pleasure of mine to shoot The Red Room, the Inland Empire's premier recording studio a few weeks ago. Now after going through all of the photos and conversing with the owner, I have some final shots to show you. We were both really pleased with the outcome of the shoot.

After getting the photos to the owner of the studio, it's now time for me to move on and finish producing the panoramas of both the control room and the tracking room.