
San O on a Wednesday

My Dad and I woke up early Wednesday morning and made the drive down to San O together for the first time since prior to me moving to Colorado last August. We were blessed with sun and warm weather. There was a good swell in the water, but the tide and wind conditions made for slightly inconsistant waves.
He snapped a few photos before paddling out and caught me looking down the line at what was about to be had. It was a nice session. We were just stoked to be in the water together again.



Coming Projects

I've got a few projects in the works that I'm really looking forward to finishing. Here's a look at what's on the work bench now. Time for some chiseling.


Rack of paints.

These guitars are my tonal pallet. They each have texture and personality all their own.


Found Treasure

I'm not sure where this came from, but about six months ago it somehow manifested in my garage. This is the first time I've taken it out from the darkness and I'm bummed I hadn't sooner.


Fuel for the fire

These are two things I'm pretty stoked to have in my possession at the moment (although Mr. Kerouac is only mine temporarily). Hoping for fresh thoughts to propel the ensuing music recording that will be done.



Underground Music in Riverside

This is for anyone who enjoys raunchy blues slide guitar.


Natural Clarity

I love how crisp and clear the local streams are in the Santa Ana mountains after rainfall. It lets light dance. Refraction rocks.


Driftwood Art

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This is something I've been really getting into. I've got a good amount of driftwood collected from various beaches on various travels, and I've been turning them into useful lighting devices.

Citrus Scents

 Morning glow.



I've been reading the book Music as Yoga, and today while opening to a random page I stumbled into this quote. Something about it really hits home with me as a musician and a songwriter. It's inspirational if there ever was such a thing.


Good Nights.

Woke up to nothing left.


Dingy and Dark

I've been having a good time shooting some of my friends while they do their own musical things.
Bear Johnson, Back to the Grind, Riverside Ca


Getting Busy

I've been in the process of forming a band these last two months. So far things are going really well. We've got our drummer and singer, and from here on out it's just a matter of time until songs are finished. There have been many late nights spent jamming and recording.

iPhone as a camera?

I hate saying this, but I feel I must admit it: I'm addicted to my iPhone. I can't leave without it. I use it to navigate my daily life and attain the necessary information I require while on the go. It's safe to say that it's gotten me out of some sticky situations. Beyond that though, it has become my favorite camera. It's constantly with me and has allowed me to capture moments that I would have missed otherwise. They say the best camera is the one you have with you.

Musically inclined

The view out of my eyes to my hands and guitar.

Busy in the Balo Shop.

Past, present, and future projects.

Handplane redesigning. Bigger is better.


It's difficult to describe the usefulness of a Swiss Army Knife. My father gave me this very one for my sixth or seventh birthday and it has not once let me down.