
Patterns in traffic

I spend a lot of time navigating the veins of Southern California’s freeways at night. I can’t even begin to describe the thoughts and revelations I’ve had while watching traffic lines and listening to music. It’s honestly one of my favorite things. A good album and an empty freeway at night is where I do my best thinking.


Warm Days

San O at sunset after a good surf. Nothing beats it during the summer for me.


Fin Take 2

Here’s a photo from a recent surf session at San O with the Contaflex I just acquired. I'm pretty stoked with this camera coming into my life. I feel like we've got a long life together ahead of us.


Bring in the old

I am so stoked with this camera. It’s an old Zeiss Contaflex made in Germany somewhere between 1956 and 1960. There’s not a single piece of plastic on this thing. A friend gave it to me. He said it was either I take it or he was going to throw it away. He wasn’t even sure if it worked. Needless to say, it works damn good. I expected dirty images with out of whack exposures (I assumed the meter was off). But no. Spot on exposures and incredibly sharp photos. So stoked on this camera. It blows my modern-day Nikon out of the water. I’m developing a roll from two surf sessions over the weekend. Should be interesting. So stoked on this. 

ps: Next week (after I get paid) I’m purchasing all the chemicals I need to start developing my own rolls.

pss: Fuck AT&T. Still no internet at home


Almond Open House

Couple of fridays ago, Dave at Almond Surfboards & Designs in Newport Beach hosted an open house/Smart Brothers show/movie teaser premier at the shop. Great night. 

If you haven’t heard of them, you need to check out the band The Smart Brothers. Great music. The shop was pretty packed considering it’s a pretty small place. But it was way worth it. Good vibes galore. Not to mention the debut of Almond trunks and the new Nosey Nate surfboard. All in all a good time. Definitely check the shop out when you’ve got a chance.



One of the first film shots I shot. It's nothing special really, just a fond memory. This was in Florida years ago. I was pretty stoked I dug this up.


House of Blues Anaheim tonight

Tonight you will be able to find me on stage at the House of Blues in Anaheim. Pretty stoked to play. Hopefully the audience will be good sized. 

On a lesser note, my internet has been down all weekend. Sorry for no posting. Screw AT&T.


Moments of inspiration

This was a key moment in my life. I had been turning over a lot in my head for the last few months, and it was in this moment that it all finally made sense. This was my “ah ha” moment.


Where it all started

This is the board that got me into longboarding. It all started with a surf trip with some buddies camping for a few days, and just for laughs we brought this along; a board my buddy found collecting dust, cobwebs, and God knows what else in his uncle’s garage. We rode it as a joke, getting two or three of us on it at once. On the last morning of the trip I chose to take it out, and this time seriously ride it. The glide I felt was like nothing else. And with that moment was hooked.

Thanks Lb. I love The Log.


Inside Tubes

While up visiting some friends in Santa Barbara, we spent a lot of time hiking around and exploring some of the areas around town and their campuses. This particular tunnel under a bridge ended up being a highlight for sure.

Beatles quotes, surfers, peace signs; you name it, covered the walls. It was pretty rad.


I ditched work for this

Needless to say, the ocean doesn't always cooperate with my (or anyone's really) plans.


Between Two Giants

Union Station in LA at about 11pm. Coming home from a trip up to Santa Barbara. As I waited for my connecting train I took a step outside to stretch my legs and I found myself between two giants.