
Out to sea

Do what you got to do to wait out the lulls.



Film happens.


Behind the curve

I’m a little behind on developing film. Actually, scratch that, I’m a lot behind on developing film. I’ve got 12 rolls last time I counted. Some 35mm, some 120mm, some slide, two rolls shot out in the water. Tons of stuff. I’ve been itching to develop them. Hopefully can get a few done this week. Until then I’ll have to make due with some digital snapshots from my trek to the north. Here’s my Jeep, leaving Refugio at sunset after a solo surf.


Home from the road

To say the least, I think I've had a life changing trip. I just got home from spending all of the last 4 days camping alone and surfing in Santa Barbara. I scored all day glass-offs (alone for the most part until three guys showed up and crowded up the place), some of the clearest water I've seen in my life, shot 7 rolls of film, and was able to really unwind and relax. Seeing some close friends and spending some time wandering around the city shooting some photos at night capped it off.

I’ve got to say thanks to Surfline for calling for it to be flat in Santa Barbara all weekend. It wasn’t. And no one bothered to check but me.


I'm Off

Santa Barbara bound (however not by train this time).


Heading north

I'm really looking forward to this upcoming weekend. On a whim I've decided to take a 4 day surf/camp/explore/soul search trip to Santa Barbara. I've got the Jeep loaded down with surfboards, cameras, wetsuits (I'll need them), and is fueled up and ready to go. Hoping for some swell (i.e absolutely any waves), and good conditions. Stars should be epic.


Pre dawn drives

I thrive off of leaving my house at 4:30am. There’s just something about being on the road nearly alone (except this is Southern California, so you’re never totally alone) before dawn. This was one of those mornings. I was southbound, going for some surf, and held the shutter wide when the glow of the sun starting peeking over the horizon line.


Color play

The Jeep as a tripod.



Red skies at night

One of the more recent sunsets in recent memory.


View from the stage

I spend a lot of time staring at mics on stage. As a musician you tend to do that. This is pre-show, about to sound check.


The Mattson 2

I had the pleasure to see the film The Present in Long Beach over summer, and was stoked to see The Mattson 2 open before the screening.


Current quiver

For whatever reason the other afternoon, I decided to drag my boards out back and shoot a family photo. This is currently what I'm riding, but always looking to expand.


Alaia Test

Took the alaia out early this morning at Sano. The waves were damn near nonexisent. Not what my dad and I wanted to see. Sad to say but no waves were ridden today. Hoping for swell soon.


First Look

It's taken some time and serious effort, but the wooden surfing board is finally complete. It was definitely a learning experience for me, but I can full-heartedly say I'm looking forward to shaping the next one soon. That, and test this thing out.


New 5'8

Making the walk back from trails one evening last week with my new 5'8 single fin. Best impulse buy? I think so.



My latest endeavor

This is what my Dad and I are up to. A chambered, 7 foot, channel bottomed alaia. It's only in the beginning stages, but as this unfolds and starts to come of shape it should prove pretty interesting, to say the least. Here's some images from cutting the template.


The Log: Take 2

Here's the board that got me into logging, seen in full-frame.


Accidents happen

Over exposed and burnt film. It's what happens when you play with a Diana.




This is now

things for me are just kind of on auto pilot mode right now. and to be honest i hate it. i'm quite sick of the mundane and everyday. it looks like i may be transplanting to the east coast in the near future. how near, i can't say, because i'm not even sure. all i know is that it may happen. but even that hasn't shaken things up enough. i was going to fight tooth and nail to stay here in california, but now florida doesn't sound as bad. maybe a fresh start is a good thing. i'm not sure. seems i'm rarely sure of things. at least of things like this. there are things in my life i am whole-heartedly sure of. i'm sure that the city lights will always catch my stare. i'm sure that nothing beats driving at dawn with only a camera sitting in the passenger seat. i'm sure that coffee tastes better at night. i'm sure that the 101 should only be driven going north; coming south on it just depresses me. i need to be shaken. today feels like yesterday which feels like tomorrow which feels like 3 months ago. all days blend into each other. i want to tell stories and not need to think "Wait, was that this week or last week?". I want each day to be its own day. I'm tired of being fed up with monetary issues. It's rare i bleed this much into this blog, but I feel it keeps me honest and real. I don't want to be fake.


Things happen

Not sure how I managed this.


I love free things

I just shot this about 4 minutes ago. I was fortunate enough to score an organ today...for free. Stoked. Fitting it in the Jeep was hard enough; I'm dreading the battle of Zane vs. gravity that will ensue tonight to get this sucker upstairs.


Land surfing

This last camping trip saw many afternoons killed by skating. The onshores would blow out the surf, so as soon as midday rolled around we would spend a lot of time cruising and carving what we could. We came back with a few wounds that'll for sure leave scars, but that's what it's all about, right?


Update on life

So I’ve been MIA lately. Here’s the latest scoop:
This past week I spent camping and surfing my brains out with two of my best friends down at Trails. Photos coming soon from that. I need to develop the film and scan it first. The trip was epic. We video taped damn near everything. I’ve got nearly 4 hours of video from the trip. Everything from the random BS in the campsite, hiking into canyons, cruising around on skateboards, even shower time was caught on tape (no homo). I’m going to get to editing that all this week (for real this time guys haha). Hopefully have some short little clips soon from that. But now it’s back to my regular work week schedule. On the plus side I’ve been playing a grip of shows lately, and it’s looking like I’ve got a drummer lined up for a show saturday night. It’ll be cool to play with a drummer for once. So for now it’s back to the grind for me. But there should be some good photos on the way. Until then, here’s a shot of my Almond Lumberjack in action.


I love this place

I really do. This table in particular has many, many memories. Nights alone, nights with friends, seeing amazing bands play, hearing poets share their art. I’ve spent many nights in that red booth loving life.


Open your eyes

I’m normally not one for flower shots. You see them everywhere, all the time. Look in any card shop and I promise you 75% of the cards have some generic shot of flowers on them. I’m not saying that this is not a generic flower shot, it may be for all I care, but the point of this was something entirely different from just shooting a flower because it exists and it’s pretty. There’s an area behind my house up in the hills that is like a refuge for me. It’s beautiful. It’s empty. It’s quiet. And it’s enough to remind me that as California gets crammed to the brim of people everyday, there’s still hideaways to be found in your own backyard. This is one of those hideaways.


I'm a junkie

Along with color I’m addicted to contrast. Here’s a pretty good example of my addiction in action. I’ve come to terms with it, and I don’t want help.


Newport Light Love

There’s so much you can do with a camera and a cell phone. This particular night I was sitting in my Jeep in Newport and decided to get creative. I've been loving Kodak 400vc. soooo smooth.


Patterns in traffic

I spend a lot of time navigating the veins of Southern California’s freeways at night. I can’t even begin to describe the thoughts and revelations I’ve had while watching traffic lines and listening to music. It’s honestly one of my favorite things. A good album and an empty freeway at night is where I do my best thinking.


Warm Days

San O at sunset after a good surf. Nothing beats it during the summer for me.


Fin Take 2

Here’s a photo from a recent surf session at San O with the Contaflex I just acquired. I'm pretty stoked with this camera coming into my life. I feel like we've got a long life together ahead of us.


Bring in the old

I am so stoked with this camera. It’s an old Zeiss Contaflex made in Germany somewhere between 1956 and 1960. There’s not a single piece of plastic on this thing. A friend gave it to me. He said it was either I take it or he was going to throw it away. He wasn’t even sure if it worked. Needless to say, it works damn good. I expected dirty images with out of whack exposures (I assumed the meter was off). But no. Spot on exposures and incredibly sharp photos. So stoked on this camera. It blows my modern-day Nikon out of the water. I’m developing a roll from two surf sessions over the weekend. Should be interesting. So stoked on this. 

ps: Next week (after I get paid) I’m purchasing all the chemicals I need to start developing my own rolls.

pss: Fuck AT&T. Still no internet at home


Almond Open House

Couple of fridays ago, Dave at Almond Surfboards & Designs in Newport Beach hosted an open house/Smart Brothers show/movie teaser premier at the shop. Great night. 

If you haven’t heard of them, you need to check out the band The Smart Brothers. Great music. The shop was pretty packed considering it’s a pretty small place. But it was way worth it. Good vibes galore. Not to mention the debut of Almond trunks and the new Nosey Nate surfboard. All in all a good time. Definitely check the shop out when you’ve got a chance.



One of the first film shots I shot. It's nothing special really, just a fond memory. This was in Florida years ago. I was pretty stoked I dug this up.


House of Blues Anaheim tonight

Tonight you will be able to find me on stage at the House of Blues in Anaheim. Pretty stoked to play. Hopefully the audience will be good sized. 

On a lesser note, my internet has been down all weekend. Sorry for no posting. Screw AT&T.


Moments of inspiration

This was a key moment in my life. I had been turning over a lot in my head for the last few months, and it was in this moment that it all finally made sense. This was my “ah ha” moment.